Strategic African American Retention Initiative

Student Affairs is proud to lead the Strategic African American Retention Initiative at UC Davis, which is focused on enhancing the outreach, recruitment and retention efforts for African and African American students at UC Davis.

In pursuit of increasing and enhancing the presence of African and African American undergraduate students at on campus, UC Davis is taking a three-fold approach:

  • Grow and strengthen the pool of competitive applicants through strategic recruitment
  • Increase the number of admitted students who choose to enroll at UC Davis through effective and impactful yield efforts
  • Implement strategies that will support retention and persistence among enrolled African American students

As part of the Strategic African American Retention Initiative, UC Davis opened the Center for African Diaspora Student Success (CADSS) in fall 2015 under the leadership of founding director, Kayton Carter. CADSS is intensively focused on the retention, persistence and graduation of all undergraduate students of the African diaspora at UC Davis.

The center uses data-driven decision making and collective and individual student experiences to understand and improve policies and practices that lead to academic excellence, and  systematizes institutional collaborations and academic partnerships to support a holistic approach tailored toward African diaspora student success.

Learn more about their programs, resources and upcoming events.
