Taking advantage of the many academic and career resources available to you from the Division of Student Affairs is key to your success. From academic advising and tutoring, academic retention initiatives and accommodation support to career services, internship programs and experiential learning opportunities, these resources help you navigate challenges and make the most of your education.
Academic Resources
Academic Assistance and Tutoring Centers
Academic Assistance and Tutoring Centers (AATC) provide tutoring services, success coaching, learning strategies, a math and science support center and writing center. All AATC services are organized by subject and for many courses students have options like one-on-one tutoring by appointment, drop-in tutoring, asynchronous resources, co-classes and workshops.
Academic Retention Centers and Initiative
These units support academic achievement and retention for all students, particularly those facing barriers to success. At each of the locations below, students will receive culturally-informed, asset-based academic advising focusing on challenges or barriers and successes or opportunities to provide individualized interventions and coaching.
Additional Advising Support
These programs, centers and services provide general advising with experienced career staff and comprehensive peer-to-peer support to help you navigate your academic journey.
Student Disability Center
The Student Disability Center is the campus unit designated to receive requests for accommodation, approve services and coordinate support for students with disabilities to create equitable access to the University’s educational programs.
UC Davis Stores and Equitable Access Program
UC Davis Stores offers the Equitable Access Program, which provides every UC Davis undergraduate student access to their textbooks by the first day of class, all for a flat fee. Additionally, as a non-profit department within the Division of Student Affairs, UC Davis Stores has returned surplus Equitable Access funds to low-income UC Davis students in the form of textbook grants.
Special Transitional Enrichment Program (STEP)
The Special Transitional Enrichment Program (STEP) at UC Davis strives to maximize the academic and social experiences of incoming first-year Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) students.
Office of Judicial Affairs
The Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs (OSSJA) supports the university's educational mission by upholding standards of academic honesty and responsible behavior, promoting student development and assisting students in need.
Career Resources
Career Center
No matter where you are in your career journey, the UC Davis Career Center can help. Whether you’re a first-year student looking for campus jobs and internships, a graduating student or recent alumnus looking to launch your career, the Career Center can support you every step of the way. Handshake is a critical online resource for students to find and apply for jobs and internships and connect with employers. Please note that ASUCD job opportunities are only available on their website.
College Corps
College Corps at UC Davis allows fellows to to gain experiential learning by serving 450 hours in an area of K-12 Education, Food Insecurity or Climate Action over the course of the academic year. The program offers up to $7,000 living stipend plus a $3,000 Education Award upon completion of the service hours.
NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Program
The NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Program (NUFP) at UC Davis is a semi-structured mentoring program and cohort experience for undergraduate students that are interested in or exploring the field of student affairs. It is tied to the national organization, NASPA, which is the leading association for the advancement, health and sustainability of the student affairs profession.
Orientation and First Year Experience
New Student Programs (NSP) is here to help you along the way, both in your Orientation experience prior to your first quarter, and throughout your first year at UC Davis.