Message from Student Affairs on Reproductive Healthcare Services

UPDATED May 8, 2023

On April 21, 2023, the Supreme Court issued a decision that maintained the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of a commonly used abortion pill (mifepristone) while an appeal in the lower court moves forward. Mifepristone is the first pill taken in a two-drug regimen for medication abortions. This decision has not impacted Student Health and Counseling Services’ ability to continue to provide comprehensive reproductive healthcare services to students, which are summarized in our full statement below.  

If you have questions and would like to talk to the SHCS Advice Nurse, a registered nurse who can help you make informed decisions about your health situation, call (530) 752-2349 and follow the prompts.

UPDATED June 24, 2022

The Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade today is gravely concerning and antithetical to the University of California’s mission and values. We affirm that our students' reproductive health options in the state of California will remain the same and Student Health and Wellness Center (SHCS) is committed to providing affordable and convenient access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare. An overview of the current and future services offered at SHCS is available below in our June 3 message to students. 

As stated by Chancellor May, "We will continue to move forward together to protect the human rights for people making health care decisions." 

June 3, 2022

Dear UC Davis Students,

We have heard from many members of our community – students, staff, and faculty alike – who are understandably concerned by the leaked Supreme Court decision draft that, if ultimately published, would overturn Roe v. Wade. We are writing to affirm that regardless of the final decision, your reproductive health options in the state of California are expected to remain the same. That does not, however, take away from or mitigate the concerns many in our UC Davis community have for the wellbeing of those who will be most impacted. In this message, we are providing information on current and future services, as well as mental health resources that are available.


UC Davis is committed to providing affordable and convenient access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare. For registered students, Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS) offers birth control, emergency contraception and pregnancy testing by appointment through the Health-e-Messaging portal or by calling the Appointment Desk at 530-752-2349. Additionally, free safer sex products are available through the Love Lab, and pregnancy tests and over-the-counter emergency contraception are available at both the SHCS Pharmacy and The Wellness to Go vending machine in the ARC Study Lounge.

A student who is considering the option of abortion, or who is unsure and would like to review the full range of pregnancy options and resources, can meet with a SHCS medical provider, or talk with SHCS’s 24-hour Advice Nurse. SHCS has long-standing relationships with community facilities in Davis, Woodland and Sacramento for abortion services that can be accessed by referral.

A bill passed by the California Legislature requires the student health centers of the University of California and California State University to offer medication abortion services on their campuses beginning Jan. 1, 2023. The gynecology department at SHCS began offering this service to students in September 2022, which uses medications to end a pregnancy that is less than 11 weeks.


We understand that the leaked document is causing anxiety and concern for students. Counseling services appointments are available in person or by secure video conferencing at North Hall, the Student Health and Wellness Center and locations across campus. Schedule an appointment online at or call 530-752-0871. Self-care resources are also available on the Each Aggie Matters website

If you need immediate support, please call Student Health and Counseling Services at 530-752-0871 for a counseling service consultation at any time. You may also text “RELATE” to 741741 for free, immediate and confidential crisis support by text message.

The Women's Resources and Research Center (WRRC) offers pregnancy tests and safer sex supplies at no-cost to UC Davis students. The WRRC also serves as a ​confidential and non-judgmental space to get information, support and referral to campus and community resources on issues related to reproductive health.

While we are hopeful that Roe v. Wade will be upheld, please know that we will be here to support you and are committed to offering our students access to all of the services required to meet your reproductive health care needs. We will be back in touch once the final Supreme Court decision has been delivered.

In health,

Margaret Trout, R.N., MBA
Executive Director, Student Health and Counseling Services

Pablo Reguerín
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs