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A message from Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Pablo Reguerín

UC Davis is committed to being a place where all students can live, learn and thrive as their authentic selves. Our transgender and nonbinary students and staff are an integral part of the UC Davis community and have the right to live free from discrimination, harassment and fear. The attacks we are seeing that seek to target, invalidate and endanger transgender and nonbinary people are deeply troubling and harmful. 

Are You Ready to Vote?

Election Day is coming up—make sure you're ready to vote with this step-by-step guide!

Aggie Traditions to Complete This Month

Did you know there are nearly fifty Aggie Traditions you can participate in during your undergrad experience? Students who complete all of these traditions become eligible for a traditions medal to wear at graduation. While it might feel daunting to tackle them all, we’ve put together a list of events happening this month to help you get started. These events can get you started on your traditions and enhance your understanding of what makes UC Davis such a unique and special place!

Update to Contact Information in UC Davis WarnMe System

Dear Students,

In an effort to most effectively reach students with timely UC Davis WarnMe and Aggie Alert messages, in the 2024-25 academic year the university will add to its emergency notification system the phone numbers of all registered students. We are instituting this change as one of several recent enhancements to campus safety efforts.

There's a Map for That!

At UC Davis, did you know that there’s a map for that? On campus, almost everything you can think of has one! Whether it’s nap spots, water stations or menstrual products, you can find them with the help of an accessible, online campus map. Keep reading to see what you can find!

A Message from the Vice Chancellor: Accessibility and Branding


Dear Student Affairs Colleagues,

With the start of the new academic year, I wanted to take a moment to talk about two important topics—accessibility and UC Davis brand standards. 

We must ensure that all of our channels are following ADA requirements and meeting accessibility standards so that all UC Davis students are being supported and have an equal opportunity to access the many resources and services offered by the division. While it is the right thing to do, it is also the law.

Biking Need-to-Knows

If there’s one constant on the UC Davis campus, it’s bikes! With the start of every new school year comes the need to review the key rules, tips and tricks that will help you make the most of your biking experience here at Davis.

Three Years of Writing for Aggies, by an Aggie

Hey Aggies! My name is Robin Dewis, and I’ve been the editorial and content creation assistant here at Student Affairs Marketing and Communications (SAMC) for the past 3 years. That basically means that I write some of the stuff in the emails you get from the school. More specifically, it means that I’ve been drafting and compiling content for the UC Davis Life email newsletter, interviewing students for Aggie Voices, and probably my most frequent and consistent task, updating the Updater tile on your myucdavis portal.

10 Ways to Take a Break this Quarter

Spring quarter can be overwhelming, with everything from midterms to finals to end-of-the-year responsibilities. Don’t forget to take care of yourself throughout all of your hard work! Relax in between study sessions or plan a day out with your friends with these fun, springtime activities. 

Picnic Day in Pictures: Then and Now

Did you know that the UC Davis Library houses Picnic Day history dating back to the very first one? Digitized programs and pictures have immortalized this student-run event for good, creating a treasure trove of campus history for Aggies to enjoy. We’ve picked out some of our favorite photos and put them alongside fond memories from recent Picnic Days, keep scrolling to enjoy and reminisce!

Farewell: Cory Vu's Move to UC Berkeley

Dear Colleagues,

Please join me in sending gratitude and congratulations to our very own Cory Vu, Associate Vice Chancellor of Health, Wellness and Divisional Resources as he embarks on a new professional journey at UC Berkeley. Cory will serve as their Associate Vice Chancellor of Health and Wellbeing effective July 1. 

9 Things to Check Out at the Library (Other Than Books)

When you’re spending time at the library prepping for finals, give yourself a much needed break and check out these lesser known benefits the library has to offer. From charging lockers to free streaming music and movies, Shields has you covered!

UC Davis Valentines to Download and Share

We heard the love last year, so celebrate this year's Valentine’s Day with even more shareable Valentine's cards! These UC Davis-themed pick-up lines will help you spread the love, whether it’s a special someone, your study group or your best friends.

The cards are optimized for Instagram stories, but share them anywhere:

Joint Message Addressing Extreme and Hateful Speech Among Our Community

Global events continue to cause direct or indirect trauma to our students, faculty and staff. In the midst of this conflict, while we’ve seen many members of our community express support, we’re also receiving reports of extreme and hateful speech made by members of our UC Davis student community. These statements are harmful and actively create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.   

New CoHo Art Installation

You might have noticed a new art installation in the CoHo? As part of the Aggie Mental Health campaign (AMH), UC Davis launched a contest to find a student artist/designer to create a piece that helps to reduce the stigma of mental health, foster community conversation and encourage students to seek out resources.